Friday, July 9, 2010


Of interest: Are DJs, Rappers and Bloggers 'Curators'? over at the American Associations of Museums

“To me, this is one of the primary duties of a curator, i.e. care of a collection, and it is this definition that is reflected in most of the AAMC’s programs and initiatives. As a curator who has made a long-term commitment to one institution (25 years), I find inspiration and renewal in returning to the collection over time. Conservation is only part of this story, and I find I am always learning more about artworks (and their meanings) from physical evidence as well as from research. This is very different, I think, from the definition of ‘to curate’ as a form of enlightened sampling.”

"these new uses of ‘curator’ take the term out of the rarified and push it into the wider populace, encouraging visitors to create experiences—virtually or otherwise—in which they might gather stories, share expertise and create meaning within a defined community that we may not have envisioned. As we encourage others to take on some of our traditional responsibilities, we are infusing these skills outside of our field. If we don’t embrace this sharing of expertise or encourage more user-curated experiences, how long will we last?”

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