Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Infinite Sickness

My throat! My throat! My head! My heart... Another bout of hell throat, the technical term, made myself even sicker by going into work suppressing my primary ills by making stomach swim in non-stop lozenges, left at noon having got the essentials out of the way. Ran into the Lord on the way home, having a brief "Look at that beard! You have a ladyfriend and I have a best in sneakers but maybe we should revisit the sexy times?" mental lapse while wearing earmuffs and coughing up a lung in the cold. Slept the afternoon through, now soup & tea in sweaty sheets while watching Kids in the Hall and talking about period peices with a gal pal. Jane Eyre? Oh hell yes. This is a guarantee that my fever dreams will be about Dave Foley in corsets with the Lord locking ladies up in the attic.

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