Saturday, September 11, 2010

Last night I went to a panel talk/opening reception. The Toril Johannessen peice above has nothing to do with the show (natural Forms, reflections on representations, the artifice of nature). However, last night involved logical acts being disrupted by thoughts of "love" as I ran into the one I find intriguing and he left the conversation & room he was in to talk, saying that he had wanted to mention the show to me earlier in the day but here I was of my own accord while I blathered on about how much I loved this one peice and too many sweaters and then I just abruptly said "Well, I'm going to head in" and took a seat in silence for five minutes before the talk started while he went back to mingling with people. Smooth moves! Especially leaving before the reception party which he was dj/vj'ing started! Good times! Wouldn't it be nice if social anxiety automaticaly meant asexuality and aromanticism?

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