Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Departures & Futures

Blond's last night in town started as a low-key late night drink while doing laundry/packing/watching The Walking Dead affair. Suddenly it was 5 am and 4 people had drunk two bottles of rum.

A hungover day of obligations & last minute errands until one last mid-afternoon nap, listening to The Irrepressibles.  You & me, ever changing, moving on now, moving fast.  Then the airport, coffee & killing time & kissing. Stoic until he was past security, then sudden sobbing that left me disoriented & hiccupping.

Four months to go. Airport coffeeshop lazy discussing plans for the summer, when I'm back, gardening & cooking & gigs lined up.  The future is uncertain, but the future could be nice. Until then, plans for tonight are binging on frozen mini-eclairs and episodes of The Tudors. Most of my sadness can be cured by pastry & history.  Throwing myself into work, studying, staying social, pilates, poetry.  Soon the weather will be warm, soon I can go running. Soon the weather will be warm, soon it will be July.

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