Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"What is the Correct Subject"

Love is too indulgent and death is too sad.
It’s time for a new mystery.

Rabbits! Blood!
Animals dabbed on the cave wall!

We can rely on the painted rabbit to teach us about the real rabbit.

And yet—
the real rabbit…


The moon shines on the gravel road.

Rabbit on the road, rabbit in the sagebrush: more than one rabbit?

Moon, never the same light from night to night: more than one moon?

More than one moon-experience?

Which is the correct one?

Moon, rabbit: You don’t seem to change each other but, then again…

In Japan they tell a story of the rabbit whose job it is to clean the moon. His reason for doing so is obscure.

There exists a netsuke carving of a moon that, upside-down, becomes a rabbit that, upside-down, becomes a moon…

The guardians understand even more than this.

--Sarah Manguso

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