Monday, June 28, 2010

The Catastrophe of My Personality

I have just violently sliced my pinky while dishwashing. However, there is a new Muhly blog post to read, in which he announces this wonderful bit of news

Well, yes! How grand! September with bells on! However to contiue with the negative:

Lesson Learned: One should not use a phone that mysteriously loses battery power, receives texts the day after they were sent, and now often resets itself to January 1, 2004 as an alarm clock unless one enjoys waking up off schedule.

9-5: Red Sneakers was in for the briefest of hours, I spent most of the day in some form of a meeting or other and yoga was cancelled. At Staff, I amused the troops by cheering "Yay-- wait, what, no!" to the good for C/ bad for me news that he has gotten a better position.

Lessons All Over the Place: Continuing to use a mug with a broken handle is about as wise a choice as using a dying cell phone as an alarm. Serves you right.

It should be noted that the more I look at the word, the more I think "brie-fest" as it were a celebration of soft cheese. Delicious.

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